A pitch deck is a concise and visually engaging presentation that startup founders use to pitch their business idea or project to potential investors, partners, or stakeholders. It serves as a tool to communicate the key elements of their business in a compelling and persuasive manner. Pitch decks are commonly used in the early stages of a business to secure funding or generate interest from potential collaborators.

A typical pitch deck usually consists of 10 to 15 slides, each focusing on essential aspects of the business. There are many different variations about which slides to include in a pitch deck. But there is something of a consensus around the 10 essential elements of a presentation. The picture below shows how Sequoia and Doсsend represent it. The whole difference is only in the order of the slides, but not in their content.


Thus, the composition of the pitch deck usually includes:

  1. Company Purpose. What does your company do? What is the purpose of your presentation?
  2. Problem. What is a really urgent problem? What are the pains in a market?
  3. Solution. How will the problem be solved? What is special about this solution? Who are the clients and what does the value proposition look like to them?
  4. Why now. Why should the project be launched right now? What trends help this? How much is the "window of opportunity"?
  5. Market size (and dynamic). What exactly does the market look like? What segment is the project in? What is the size of your market and how fast is it growing?
  6. Product. What is the client path? What are the important features? A link to a website or other way to get more details.
  7. Team.
  8. Business Model.
  9. Competition.
  10. Financials.

As for the sequence, the first slide should tell about the company's purpose, and then the order of the slides can be arbitrary. It is very important to make a strong impression on the reader/viewer from the very first slides. Therefore, you need to start from the strongest point. Let's say if you already have exponential growth, it's a good idea to start with a sales chart. If you have a strong core of founders with a solid track record of successfully launching other startups, you can start by introducing the team. And so on.

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