A strategy is a plan of action designed to achieve a particular goal or set of goals. It outlines the steps and resources required to attain desired outcomes and is usually implemented in the face of uncertainty, risk, and competition.
Following A.G. Lafley ****- “strategy is an integrated set of choices that uniquely positions the firm in its industry so as to create sustainable advantage and superior value relative to the competition. Ultimately, strategy is a choice between what to do and what not to do”.
Firstly, let’s define Where-To-Play (W2P). It is a question of defining what business you are really in. It is a choice about where to compete and where not to. Understanding this choice is crucial, because the playing field you choose is also the place where you will need to find ways to win.
Where-to-play choices occur across a number of domains, notably these:
One consideration for where to play is the competitive set. Just as it does when it defines its winning aspirations, a company should make its where-to-play choices with the competition firmly in mind. Choosing a playing field identical to a strong competitor’s can be a less attractive proposition than tacking away to compete in a different way, for different customers, or in different product lines. But strategy isn’t simply a matter of finding a distinctive path. A company may choose to play in a crowded field or in one with a dominant competitor if the company can bring new and distinctive value.
Focus is a crucial winning attribute, especially for startups. Attempting to be all things to all customers tends to result in underserving everyone. Even the strongest company or brand will be positioned to serve some customers better than others. If your customer segment is “everyone” or your geographic choice is “everywhere,” you haven’t truly come to grips with the need to choose.
Looks complicated and confusing? No problem. We can help you define your product's entry strategy for the US market. Don't hesitate to contact us.